
Our 10th Anniversary Range of Seeds

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Pink Cleome Flower Sethas Seeds NZ

Another spin around the sun and here we sit at the start of a whole new growing season in our gardens! The perfect time to dream about what you want to grow this season. What have you learned from last season, what will you do differently, and what did you implement this season that really worked!

Gardening is such an interactive experience, and so rewarding when things you try create wholesome food for you and your family.

We had a pretty amazing season in part due to the unusually large amount of rainfall we had throughout the entire season. Such lush and large plants blossomed everywhere due to the extra moisture, and perhaps we focused more on other things that helped with this since we were not so busy keeping the water on! And, of course at the end of the season the extra rain brought challenges. After 20 plus years growing, we still have flops along with our growing successes. Lettuces were a bit of a disappointment for us, as at the exact time the seed was all beautifully ripening, big rain! So, we had smaller harvests for our lettuces this year. No matter how much experience you have, you can’t win on all your crops.

We have a big change in the way we bring you our new range to you all for the season. After careful consideration and communication through our social media survey, we have decided to not issue a catalogue this year! Fear not, we still have our trusty ol’ website fully updated with everything fresh and ready for your gardens!

What we found when we did a bit of market research and asked you all, most people, used the website to make their purchases and we had been seeing this in our statistics from our sales coming through. So, please do get in contact if this new shift is going to be prohibitive for you ordering from us. We can still find a way to share what we have on offer with you, if you cannot access our website for some reason. We value all of our customers regardless of how they order from us, so do not hesitate to email if you need a list of our products sent out.

Here it is!

Our 10th Anniversary Range of Seeds (I got it wrong last year when I thought it was our 8th catalogue!!!) all listed on our fully updated website!

It is always such a mad rush it seems to get all of this information together at this time of year. We have done it again, all our seeds have been germination tested, we have crafted variety descriptions for the 25 new varieties you will find this year (phew!)! And as always, we have some old favourites back again. Please take note that there are some changes with the number of seeds per packet this year. We are selling seeds faster than we can grow them at this stage (not that we are complaining 😊) and we are doing our best to offer the largest selection to as many people as possible at the best price we can manage. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

In honour of our 10 year Birthday, we are offering a Discount Code to all our faithful Newsletter readers. Grab 10 seed packets or more and use the code ANNIVERSARY10 at checkout in the month of July and enjoy a 10% off your order total on us. Gifts are worth giving and you have all earned it. Thanks for sticking with us, and here is to the next 10 years!


Shop now!


As always, it has taken a lot of work to get all this together and now our family needs a wee break. We will close our office and dispatch system until July 25th, 2022. This will give us time to get things ready to send out as we print and pack all our own seed packets on site. All orders received during our break will be dispatched from July 25th, 2022. We are sorry for the delay, but hope you appreciate our need for some down time. All emails received will also be held until our office reopens on July 25th, 2022. We appreciate your patience and understanding.