
YAMS!!! And time to get sowing seeds🌱

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NZ Yams - Sethas Seeds NZ

Just a quick to note to let you all know our yams are out of the ground and ready for sale. Limited stock sorry to say. We find these heritage yams to be richer in flavour and sweetness from the ones available in supermarkets. Our favourite for flavour is Henry’s Yellow yam, but our three colours together are a lovely mix of earthy sweetness!  

We are getting ready for spring and feeling like the heart of winter has passed. Although our focus is on the coming season, I am behind in the orchard and pressing on this week to get the last of the pruning done! Pruning is something I am still learning about and boy was I glad for a surprise visit last week from Kath Irvine of Edible Backyard. It is her pruning videos that guided me last year and this year I got to talk through with her what needed doing, before I did it. Thanks Kath! My 2 cents on pruning, it is something that comes easy to visual learners (lucky me!!!) and once you can imagine the shape you would like for the tree, then making the cuts seem easy!

This week we are busy planning our seed sowing and garden layout for our coming season. The best all round day for seed sowing in August, is coming up this weekend! Moon opposition Saturn is on August 8th at 2:50pm. We have been using this constellation configuration for years now as our main seed sowing day each month. We have the times listed on our website for the whole year, so you can find out the best day each month to sow seeds. As with any celestial moment, the exact time is too intense energetically, so we sow seeds in the energies leading up to the moment. For this month we would recommend sowing seeds Saturday the 7th in the afternoon, or Sunday the 8th in the morning.

Things to Sow in the Garden Now:

Each season in August we sow our tomatoespeppers and eggplant. These crops require a long growing season, and heat to germinate, we use a heat pad to keep the soil temperature stable at around 18-20⁰C. This can also be done near the woodstove or in your hot water cupboard.  Remember to bring your seeds out into the light as soon as they germinate.

We also sow, brassicas like Broccoli De CiccoBroccoli Raab, and faster growing Asian greens like Tat Soi, Mizuna as well as Rocket.   All our lettuces can be sown now along with some other salad greens like Spinach Bloomsdale, Salad Burnet and Wild Arugula.  It is also a good time to get Silverbeet Fordhook Giant established, as well as some companion flowers like Calendula, Poppies, Sweet Peas, Echinacea, Stock, Cornflower and Hollyhocks.

Our Website is the best place to find the most up to date information on what we have available at all times during the year.

We encourage orders through this medium, but of course we will still accept orders via email from our Catalogue or via the post using our printed order form. And stay tuned as our new catalogue and updated website will be out in July!
And here is our   Order Form PDF  or Order Form Excel
Email orders from the catalogue to:

Or post order forms to: Setha's Seeds PO Box 60, Tutira 4181

And a reminder that selections of our seeds are also available from our Retail Outlets around the country. 

Happy gardening,

Roddy, Setha, Rebecca and River Rose